Sunday 23 March 2014

How to get listed (indexed) on Google

First of all, did you know that it might take several weeks before Google decides to index your blog? In fact, some people are having really hard time getting their new blog indexed by Google. If you want to get indexed in a couple of days, you need to do the following:

1) Add Your Blog to GWT – Google Webmaster Tools (GWT) is a place where you can gather some information about your blog. Google will automatically tell you whether you have any issues with your site or not. It’s a great place to start off and I can’t recognize any reason why you shouldn’t add your blog to the Google Webmaster Tools. Feel free to visit Webmaster Tools once a month to make sure that Google still “loves” your blog and everything is working properly.

After adding your site make sure you’ll use the option called “Fetch as Google” – This will make sure that every page of your blog will get indexed by Google. What I mean by “indexed” is that Google search engine users are able to find your blog through their search strings.

google indexing problem

2) Add Your Blog to Bing Webmaster Tools – This is similar to GWT, but made by Yahoo and Bing search engines. So, instead of using only GWT, I recommend you to add your blog to Bing as well. The functions of Bing tools are same as GWT.

3) Submit Your Blog to Social Bookmark sites – If you want to get some instant traffic to your blog, it’s wise to use social bookmark sites and Twitter/Facebook. It will help you to speed up the indexing process and for addition you will be able to “promote” your blog. Here’s a list of top 7 social bookmarking sites:

Create a Sitemap and Robots.txt

Don’t get too confused by the headline because you don’t have to create anything by yourself. Well, back in 2000′s you most likely had to do it all by yourself and manually, but now it’s much more easier than before.

Simply download this or any other similar plugin and your good to go. In short, properly working sitemap and robots.txt file will make crawling your blog much easier for Google. Sitemap is a place where all the URLs of your pages and posts are stored. You can read more about robots.txt here.

What Else?

Once you have completed the previous steps you’ll just have to wait a bit. In meanwhile, make sure you tell your friends/colleagues/family members about your new blog. After a day or two, make sure you use the following search string to see if your blog is finally indexed by Google:


How to get listed (indexed) on Google

If your site pops out on Google search, you can breathe again because your blog is indexed by Google search engine. You can use the same search string in Bing and Yahoo as well, but keep in mind that those search engines are bit slower than Google. So instead of 2 days – wait for a week or so. However if you don’t see your blog on Google, don’t get panicked because your site will get listed sooner or later.

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