Hi all users, in today's world it's very hard to imagine a guy having PC/laptop with internet connection and doesn't know about Facebook. isn't it ? mean each and every person who has internet knows about what facebook is. So as idioms stated "you can't have million fans without have few enemies" so it' needless to say that there are countless people (hacker) out there who are spending his a lot of time to hack this kind of social networking websites.
Many people are dying to learn how hack facebook and ready to pay any price if you do it for it. That is the reason for many people are being scammed by fake companies who promise them to hack a facebook account and take a strong amount of money and run away.
Today we're here to breaking the myth and tell you how to do it absolutely for free, here i will teach you how to hack an FB account using fake login pagemake a Fake login page (phisher). Follow the steps given below to Hack a facebook account.
Hack a Facebook Account Using a Fake login Page :
1. First a fall we need a fake login page (fake.html), login.php You can download both the files from Here
2. Now open login.php which we downloaded earlier with a note pad and press (ctrl+ f ) and search for the term www.enteryoursite.com and replace it with the site address where you want the victim to be redirected and save it.

Note : This a very important step redirect the victim to a proper site other wise the victim will get suspicious .In our case we are making fake facebook login page so its better to redirect the victim to www.facebook.com
3. Now create a account in Free web hosting site like 110mb.com , T35.com or ripway.com
4. Now upload both the files (fake.html , login.php ) to your directory .Now send the fake.html link to your victim.
www.yoursite.110 mb.com/fake.html

5. Now when the victim clicks the link and enters all the information in our fake login page and click login He will be redirected to site which we did in step 3
6. Now to see the victims id ,password login to your account "110mb.com " where you can see a new file "password.txt" open it .Now you can see the userid and the password of the victim.
This a simple yet very effective method of Hacking a facebook account . If you have any doubts please be free to comment
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