Hi all users, fooling your friends by making fake profiles is very responsible duty (just kidding) you have to make your profile pic legit, have to choose a valid address that your friend doesn't really know and the most difficult part is install multiple browser to log into multiple profile simultaneously to make your friend sure that you're not that person :)
But today's topic is straight forward, it's not prepared for fooling you colleagues. In today's topic we'll only learn how to log into multiple accounts like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter and all other site which requires login without leaving your current browser. So lets get started.
How To Login To Multiple Facebook Accounts With Google Chrome
1. Login to your First Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo Account the normal way you do.

2. Click the Wrench to bring Google Chrome options, and Click New incognito window (or simply Press Ctrl+Shift+N)
3. You would be brought to a new window which stores cookies apart. You’ll notice a secret agent in the top left corner of Google Chrome.
4. Now you can simply login to your second mail, facebook or gmail account.
How To Login To Multiple Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo Accounts With Mozilla Firefox
1. Visit multifox and download multifox, then install it to your firefox browser.
2. Restart your firefox. Now login to your First Facebook Account as usual. Go to File > New Identity Profile (or press Ctrl+Shif+M) . Now a new window will open go to facebook.com login in your second account
How To Login To Multiple Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo Accounts With Internet Explorer 8
1. Login to the First Facebook Account as usual.
2. Now Press Alt and go to File > New session. A new window will be opened, now visit the website again and login with the second account.
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